Originally Posted by Tuna
Like has already been said, most people here don't watch American Psycho and just think slasher film. I really don't think it's as complex and ambiguous as you make it out to be. Hell most of Bateman's monologues/speeches are pretty direct and to the point, such as the opening monologue when he describes himself as "simply not there".
Engine was correct. As Bateman states at some point, "Because I want to fit in!"
Don't think it gets much clearer then that. 
Agreed, I think the plot is blatantly obvious, and I never said that it was complex and ambiguous, just that it is often misunderstood by many people; however, I agree that most people here get the plot because most people here are above average intelligence
But, I do think that many
other people dislike the film because they assume it is just a slasher film that negatively portrays women. The whole reason Mary Harron (a female) took on the film as director and screenwriter was because she wanted to better show the dark comedy/ satire side of the book and point out that the story is actually making fun of the men and not the women. She goes into this in detail on the extras section of the DVD.
To Franco Pepe Kalle, I like Collins era Genesis as well (I like Gabriel era better), but I like most of Genesis' 80's output as well, but it is more shallow than the 70's output... but sometimes shallow is good in my book.