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Old 01-11-2012, 01:51 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RMR View Post
I would have to go back to check out the book version of the quote to see if it matches.

I like several of Brett Easton Ellis' books, but I actually like the "American Psycho" film better than the book. It is misunderstood by many people (as is the book), but the movie is often considered a slasher/ masochistic film by many people, when in actuality-- it is a black comedy (and only has about 3 killing scenes), and the screenplay and direction was done by a female (Mary Harron). At its root, the film is about how shallow the wall street male bankers were in the 80's, and it is making fun of them, not highlighting them. That's why the Genesis quote is so perfect-- the character identifies with Genesis' more shallow/ pop music more than their earlier more serious music.
The sex of the director doesn't matter at all and I think you underestimate the fans of the book and the film (let alone the author).
The character doesn't identify with Genesis at all, similarly to how he can't relate to people. Perhaps he has a visceral enjoyment of Genesis' music but he's an intelligent sociopath who only pretends to understand human empathy so his Genesis quote is simply a recitation of what he thinks his audience wants to hear from a Genesis fan.
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