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Old 01-08-2012, 02:45 PM   #1008 (permalink)
Stoned and Jammin' Out
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Originally Posted by Burning Down View Post
No. Reputation systems usually result in extreme elitism and cliquey-ness among regular members. I was a moderator on a forum that had a rep system and this is exactly what happened. People were using negative rep to bully the members that they didn't like. And then other members would bitch to the mods about how the person who gave them negative rep should be infracted and/or banned from the forum. I can tell you right now that there are members here who will do exactly that if and when they receive negative rep. It created a crapload of work for the mods, on top of dealing with every other problem on the forum.

When the rep system was introduced on my old forum, it quickly disintegrated into a shell of the community it once was. I like it here at MB and I don't want to see that happening. Reputation points seem like a good idea in theory, but in reality they create more drama, and MB certainly doesn't need anymore drama than we've seen in the last year.

I can't stress enough that reputation points make or break a forum; and that in most cases, they break a forum apart. Of course, positive rep is, well, positive - but the problem here lies with the doling out of negative rep. It can work on some forums, but it certainly won't work on this one.
Agreed, it's not necessary. One thing I do think would be a nice addition in a similar vein is a like or +1 button on everyone's posts. They have this on the weed forum I used to regular. So when someone says something that really deserves attention or you agree with so much you don't have anything to add, you 'like' the post, instead of either posting a "I completely agree" short post to show solidarity or remaining silent and then the OP doesn't know that anyone even read the post because nobody replied or had anything to add.

There have been numerous instances where I've been on MB here and wanted to thumbs up a post but instead just kind of nodded to myself and clicked back to look at a different thread.

The down side, I guess, is that there are less filler posts where all that gets said is "I know, right?" but that's not really a downside. People will still post if they have something to add, legitimately...

I don't know if you know what I'm talking about or not, but I think it's not uncommon so you might...

I'd love to see that in effect. I think it would be very useful and I don't know of any downsides...

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