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Old 01-05-2012, 09:18 PM   #382 (permalink)
neverasitseems's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 20

Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
Dude that's friggin nasty, i love it!

Alright this one is kind of long but it's worth it so keep reading.

So a kid is out shopping with his mum, the kid is about 6 years old so he's still in the impressionable stage of his life. His mum goes into the changing room to try on some dresses and leaves him out in the waiting area. Boredom soon grabs hold of the kid who sees a mannequin wearing a dress, then curiosity takes hold as he begins to pull up the dress to see what's underneath. His mother comes out of the dressing room and sees his hand reaching up the leg and she yells "Jeffrey no! women have teeth there, you'll lose your hand!". Jeffrey quickly retreats his hand and is visibly frightened. His mother scolds him and warns him never to look up a skirt or put his hand there ever again and they go home.

10 years have passed and Jeffrey's parents are now out of town for the weekend, leaving him alone for the first time. He's been homeschooled his entire life but met a girl through a friend and now she's over at his house and making out with him on the couch. After awhile of making out she tells him "you can go a little lower if you want". Jeffrey is not amused with this a boldly states "there's no way in hell I'm going down there, women have teeth there!". The girl is reasonably confused and says "what are you talking about, women don't have teeth in their vagina." Jeffrey's not having it and is convinced that they do and says "yes they do, my mother told me so and my mother would never lie to me." Seeing that she won't be able to convince him otherwise without proof she lifts up her skirt and shows him her vagina and says "see, no teeth." Jeffrey takes a good look and says "yeah well with the condition of those gums I'm not surprised"

Yeah, so obviously I'm new here since I'm just reading this one now, but I will say that if you like this joke, watch the movie "Teeth"... and yes, it's a real movie...
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