I already made a 2011 playlist for friends.
I will pick three tracks & up them within a few hours.
Beirut - Santa Fe
Beirut - East Harlem
Real Estate - It's Real
Real Estate - Wonder Years
Burial & Four Tet & Thom Yorke - Ego
Little Dragon - Ritual Union
Little Dragon - Shuffle A Dream
tUnE-yArDs - My Country
Bibio - K Is For Kelson
TV on the Radio - Will Do
Atlas Sound - Parallax
Atlas Sound - Mona Lisa
Radiohead - Little by Little
Radiohead - Separator
Bon Iver - Perth
Bon Iver - Minnesota, WI
Björk - Crystalline
Discodeine - Synchronize (feat. Jarvis Cocker)
PJ Harvey - The Last Living Rose