I took it personally. And, I know you. From 20 Words, I have you all figured out.
I'd be careful what you think and spew out. Karma sucks em back. And, they taste like crap.
And, HaShem might be a little ticked about you skatin back to Egypt there Santa Claus.
He said it was none of my business. It was his. He can be a hellacious enemy, or haven't you heard?
Judgment day really sucks, and is a reality that bites.
friendly warning. Don't take it personally, unless you take it personally.
I don't dislike you. I like you, that's why I am posting.
For all the enemies who don't know each other
I think I know all mine. Not my enemies. Enemies of me
I think I am on the fencepost with you blaster

Maybe not.
And, I think Ska will soon be.
It was that he did not like you, but he did not know you, and he wasn't your enemy.
I like you blaster, and, I apologize for blasting ska, but, it just wasn't nice.
So, Billie Joe wants everyone to know the enemy that they don't know, but, don't like, and denies being an enemy
Hope that clears this up
I stood up for you blaster, so, you gotta like me now, sorry.