[QUOTE=Urban Hatemonger;1133383]Oh please.
Stop playing the victim card you're making me want to throw up
The accusation that suggested Urban was actually throwing a pity party, or playing the victim, to the point of nausea, wanting to start blowing chunks; In most etiquette manuals would qualify as an attack or being picked on.
You don't get attacked or picked on.
Since you broke the etiquette rule by calling him basically a cry baby who was making you ready to heave, and, then suggest that he doesn't get attacked or picked on. That falls under your own quote.
When you say stupid stuff on this forum you get called out on it.
He pointed out the fact that it takes more smack to get under his skin; but, when he sees other getting raked, he gets fired up instantly.
That is a good quality. I share that notion, although I don't actually get pissed when I get bombarded at all. I smack for my own giggles, and piss everyone off. But, I also really get peeved when I see others getting brow beaten, or trashed.
That is not playing a personal victim card. He did complain or whine at all.
Who is the judge here who gives the ruling on what is stupid, or not?
I'd say nearly everyone. Stupid is as stupid does, or says. Calling anyone stupid is stupid. These forums really get out of hand, and when I step in, and defend someone, I get bombarded with insults, and, now posts were deleted. Because, I smack back in a manner that amuses me, and no one seems to see the humor. And, I don't call anyone stupid, or any names.
But, I get really ticked when I see others get beat down, and, I play the judgment card. And, everyone dishes it, yet no one can take it back. They cry to the mod.
So, I think urban is a decent human being who will others with more zeal than himself. Selflessness is good.
And, a false accusation irritating to point of wanting to pray to the porcelain god is rude, stupid, contradictory to the point of irony at the least.
That's what I really think. Spilling my guts. And, I have no clue who I am spilling them to, so, whoever you are, that's what I think
But, I don't think you're stupid. I think I am stupid. But, the only stupid person in this world is me. So, if you want to call out someone you think is being stupid.
Ask them if I wrote the post for them

That would be funny, and, everyone would get a laugh, I am certain. I know I would.