Music Banter - View Single Post - The Urban 100 - 4 Years On (Now With Added Authors Commentary)
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Old 09-04-2005, 08:09 AM   #10 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Carrying on then.....

96. Iron Maiden - Number Of The Beast (1982)

OK , this is where it all started.THIS was the first album I ever bought with my first ever wage packet. I was a 12 year old computer geek into books & things.I`d had exposure to punk at an early age. I liked it , but it didn`t really stir anything in me.So my only real exposure came in the form of chart music. I decided that I was looking for something new. I went to the record store with my friend Steven & just spent a while looking around.After a few minutes I was drawn to this album.I`d heard at least one song off it (My mother had bought the Run To The Hills single), so I bought it.
And I loved it , so much so just a couple of months later I had most Maiden , AC/DC & Van Halen albums out at the time.And my love of music just got bigger & bigger & more diverse from that moment on.
I don`t listen to this much now , in fact I don`t think I have in almost a decade but it deserves to be on here because it changed my life.

Favourite songs - 22 Acacia Avenue , Number Of The Beast , Hallowed Be Thy Name

95. The Pretty Things - S F Sorrow (1968)

This is a much over looked concept album that was said to have inspired The Who`s Tommy. I have to say I have absolutley no idea what that concept in this album is supposed to be. But I like not understanding everything about something , it makes it`s appeal last longer.It`s this sort of album that makes me realise I don`t listen to enough psychadelia.

Favourite songs - Bracelet Of Fingers , Balloon Burning , Defecating Sorrow (Which wasn`t on the original album)

94. Guns N Roses - Appetite For Destruction(1987)

I listened to this for the first time in ages a few weeks ago & couldn`t beleive how dated it sounds. That said this album is pure nostaligia for me.It was one of the first records I bought having not heard it in the charts ,I`d heard a GnR song (Shadow Of Your Love) on a compilation album (with the naff title Time To Rock) & went out & got it on import on vinyl with the original rape sleeve for my birthday long before they became successful.(God I feel old).But back then as a young teen I thought it was the greatest album ever.

Favourite songs - Welcome To The Jungle , It`s So Easy , Rocket Queen

93. Curtis Mayfield - Superfly (1972)

I first heard this about a year and a half ago when a girl I work with (A black girl with a 6 inch afro.... how appropriate ) gave me a lift to work & she was playing this in her car , and I just totally fell in love with it & went out & bought it the following day. And thus my love of blaxploitation movie soundtracks was born.

Favourite songs - Pusherman , No Thing on Me (Cocaine Song) , Superfly
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