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Old 12-22-2011, 10:00 AM   #7619 (permalink)
Rocket Appliances
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Definately one of the best I've heard all year. It's basically Post-Hardcore/Emo, but with really cool, story-like lyrics and the occasional really pretty quiet moment. One of my favourite aspects of this album is definately the production, the guitars and vocals are almost perfectly captured, crystal clear yet filled with power. The rythm section also sounds great, with a more prominent than average bass, and drums that reinforce everything the melodies are making you feel. I'm an especially big fan of songs like King Park(the highlight of the album, and the first song I heard by these guys) and I See Everything, where the lyrics are just so genuinely heartbreaking that it's hard to hate the songs.

Anyways, great album. Check it out y'all.
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