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Old 12-20-2011, 05:20 PM   #408 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TomClancy11 View Post
Nice video. What exactly does it have to do with this discussion?

Edit: Just seen the post above. Not really the same is it. I am pretty sure the Doctor in the video wouldn't, based on his research, go around telling people the brain, body and soul are separate. Merely he is looking into it.
It's related to Might Salami's most recent post about the mind being seperate from the body.

Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Mr. Zoon, I think you're in the same boat as Mr. Clancy insofar as when you say God, you mean a Judeo-Christian God.

I had an IR professor in college, Iranian expatriate thrown out during the revolution. He was saying once how most people in America (and the west) have Christianity so ingrained in them that when they say they are agnostic/atheist they say its in reference to Christianity even if they don't specificy. The whole concept of religion, which they reject, is fundamentally rooted in Christianity.

I don't have a problem with people not believing in God, but just make sure (and I'm not saying this speciafically to you, or that you are doing this, Jans) you're not thinking the story of Jesus is illogical and all creators in any form.

Tommy Boy - I don't think talking to you is going to be worth our time. You seem too closed-minded for me. Sorry buddy.

In general:

For my money, Futurama got "God" better than anyone else. I cant find a larger clip than this, but as for looks, and philosophy, I'm with them...

Absolutely correct. I often say the same thing to my atheist friends. A lot of atheists don't know enough about religion abroad to reject it completely. Most atheists I know don't even know enough about Christianty. They hear the stories of the bible and take them in the most literal sense and just instantly disregard them, and it's understandable. I'm no bible nut but it's quite obvious that the bible shouldn't be taken so literally. It can be interpreted in many ways and it's been translated so often that some of it's true meaning has been twisted.

Last edited by blastingas10; 12-20-2011 at 05:29 PM.
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