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Thread: The Bitch Box
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Old 12-18-2011, 07:58 PM   #9238 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by noise View Post
Thanks! Yeah I've been between jobs, and in a generally bad place lately. Not a good time for all this other stuff to be happening, but that's life. At least I found a great new job and will have real money rolling in again soon!

Was talking to the tow company again yesterday, trying to understand how they justify charging $650 for one man to stand by a truck and pull levers for half an hour, then drive away. Apparently there is something called a "rollover fee", and it amounts to $200. Somehow they feel justified charging me more because my truck rolled over before they got there. I wonder if they charge more for blue cars as well? Jerks...
I can relate. Last year I was in a 70 mph car wreck when I was between jobs. In fact, it actually happened on my way back from an interview for a job I didn't get. It cost me a bunch of money I didn't have and of course I got screwed by the insurance company, but like you at least I survived. The best thing I can tell you is at least it makes for a good story and with time you'll laugh at how absurd the situation was.
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