Originally Posted by Pedestrian
I have to ask, if your actions are predetermined, then what's the purpose of judgment? Surely an individual cannot be judged for that which was never in his power to control?
Originally Posted by Conan
This stood out to me as well. I don't understand it when religions teach that God has a plan for everyone, that they're pre-destined, but also belief in everlasting punishment for evil deeds after death.
God for me is impartial, setting out a set route - but He would still place individuals in the afterlife He choose for them - i think of it like some grand joke - to believe in Christ is to believe in some intervener, some sort of intercessor to guide my consciousness to some place else, instead
edit :- I started this thread on debating about neuroscience and God being in the brain, but it sort of devolved into another theosophical debate