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Old 12-16-2011, 06:58 AM   #5 (permalink)
Howard the Duck
Live by the Sword
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well, there are numerous factors in how the neuro-transmitters generate or spark these chemicals

the whole neuro-chemistry of something like "empathy" cannot be fully explained

what if this "leu-enkephalin" is generated through the similar neural pathway of empathy, and production of "leu-enkephalin" basically generates the "God" feeling and this opiate feeling leads people to seek an explanation for those feelings

i found this bit on the Web, just substitute "pain" with "God":-

The majority of social neuroscience studies on empathy used the observation of pain in others as a model paradigm to evoke empathic responses (de Vignemont & Singer 2006; Decety & Lamm 2006; Singer & Leiberg 2009; see, e.g., Jabbi et al. 2007 or Wicker et al. 2003, for examples using other emotional states). One common finding of these investigations is that vicariously experiencing pain activates part of the neural network that is also activated when we are in pain ourselves. For example, Singer and colleagues (2004) recruited couples and measured hemodynamic responses triggered by painful stimulation of the female partner via an electrode attached to her right hand. In another condition the same painful stimulation was applied to the male partner who was seated next to the MRI scanner and whose hand could be seen via a mirror system by the female partner lying in the scanner. Differently colored flashes of light on a screen pointed to either the male or the female partner's hand, indicating which of them would receive painful stimulation. This procedure enabled the measurement of pain-related brain activation when pain was applied either to the scanned subject (firsthand experience of pain) or to her partner (empathy for pain). The results suggest that parts of the so-called pain matrix (Derbyshire 2000), which consists of the brain areas involved in the processing of pain, were activated when participants experienced pain themselves as well as when they saw a signal indicating that their loved one would experience pain. These areas—in particular, bilateral anterior insula (AI), the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), brain stem, and the cerebellum—are involved in the processing of the affective component of pain; in other words, they encode how unpleasant or aversive the subjectively felt pain is. Thus, both the firsthand experience of pain and the knowledge that a beloved partner is experiencing pain activates the same affective brain circuits—suggesting that our own neural response reflects our partner's negative affect.
and this is a link to several articles about the "God" module/chemical/neuro-transmitter in the brain:-

Malaise is THE dominant human predilection.

Originally Posted by The Virgin View Post
what? i don't understand you. farming is for vegetables, not for meat. if ou disagree with a farming practice, you disagree on a vegetable. unless you have a different definition of farming.

Last edited by Howard the Duck; 12-16-2011 at 08:01 AM.
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