Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio
s_k: You are a legitimately nice fellow. My only criticism is this: Don't worry about the people who don't seem to agree with you / hate on you. It's much better to pick your battles. If someone doesn't like you, and you can't understand why, that's not at all a battle worth fighting. Just don't acknowledge it, and you'll be all good. Also, you have awesome musical tastes. I have seriously downloaded albums because you've mentioned them and not been disappointed.
I'm glad to hear that, Sara. We haven't talked much on the forum lately and I've always thought that was a pity

And you're right in what you say. But I'm afraid it's actually a disability of me to ignore things. Not just what people say, but also sounds and text. I cannot see text without reading it. It's a big problem as there will always be people disliking me, even though I try to be nice to everyone.
Also, I just cannot, really can not stand injustice. Not towards me, and not towards others.
Believe me, compared to earlier times I've become so much better in ignoring stuff, to just shrug and move on. But when I see people attacking me for no obvious reason over and over gain, it starts to well... sort of come through the shield I have. And, believe it or not, this happens even faster when I see someone attack other people. I know I'm a strange guy, I undertand not everyone will understand me. But when I get attacked I keep an eye on my attacker and I often notice it's not just me they're attacking.
And that makes the ever friendly guy quite vicious

Nevertheless, I'll try to do as you say as much as I possibly can. I already did, really. But it does help me to get along when people tell me they like me. Makes me feel a bit more useful
