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Old 12-15-2011, 02:32 PM   #6 (permalink)
Let it drip
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Join Date: Nov 2004
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Well for what its worth, we joined around the same time and I don't remember you being a pain in the ass. Though for some reason I do remember your avatars. Which is weird. Something with a bird and goofy or pluto...its all a jumble up here.

Although was it you or the other led zepplin guy I used to brawl with?
Fucking hell, yeah I used to have that lame peace symbol with psychedelic images of animals and other swirly shit. I was so zany. And I'm quite sure it was me, I remember a couple of humdingers, the reasons for which evade me. For what it's worth, I thought you were a pain in the arse

Mighty Salami

I have been posting altogether too much crap in the last month. In October I was all sensible and thoughtful, but this November was a bit much for me and I've found myself unable to think straight and end up posting pointless nonsense at your irritation. I'm working on it though, and am trying to be a bit more of a contributor, and I think I might even start a journal. I started off with two lengthy album reviews in a fortnight which were generally well received, but I can't remember posting anything particularly good since then.
Hopefully, you'll see me as a member who just got off to a bad start.

I was only joking about not reading the journal, I've only had time to skim though the first three pages, but was too tired and generally shaken up to take anything in. I'll have a proper read of it this weekend, I promise.
It's all cool dude, as others have already said, I'm a miserable bastard anyway.

Have a football
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