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Old 12-15-2011, 02:11 PM   #8 (permalink)
Get in ma belly
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Originally Posted by Stu View Post
No, I did not purposefully chose to interpret the comment in a way that mocks you, I evidently made a mistake. It isn't my intention to display my irritation towards you at any given opportunity, you post a lot of crap around here and I mostly bite my tongue, granted I've slipped up a couple of times. I don't want to come across a bully.

Without meaning to sound patronising, I appreciate you're only 16 and, in all honesty, I was a bit of a douche at that age too. Depending on who you talk to, I still can be.

p.s. Please read my journal, PLEASE!
I have been posting altogether too much crap in the last month. In October I was all sensible and thoughtful, but this November was a bit much for me and I've found myself unable to think straight and end up posting pointless nonsense at your irritation. I'm working on it though, and am trying to be a bit more of a contributor, and I think I might even start a journal. I started off with two lengthy album reviews in a fortnight which were generally well received, but I can't remember posting anything particularly good since then.
Hopefully, you'll see me as a member who just got off to a bad start.

I was only joking about not reading the journal, I've only had time to skim though the first three pages, but was too tired and generally shaken up to take anything in. I'll have a proper read of it this weekend, I promise.

Big3, I didn't take offence or find it hilarious. I'm probably still a bit opaque at the moment. If I'm being a "douche", I don't want to seem beyond correction and am happy to accept Stu's rebuke.

By the way, I think I'm one nomination away from being through for this year's most inane member. Since I don't consider it a bad thing, I'm hoping someone else will nominate me!
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