Originally Posted by Tumor
Bull****. Anyone that's talked to me knows I'm my own worst critic. I'm aware of my flaws and I admit them. Like right now, I'll admit that I really like being a bitch.
You even admit it in your title...
Now, I'll treat you to some more of my thoughts on MB members:
TheCunningStunt: I've only encountered him a few times, but each time he was hilarious. I hope he'll be around a lot next year.
Tumor: I'll agree with Urb on her: a lot of people don't really get her and think she's a troll. I don't think that's fair, to be honest. From my converasations with her in the shoutbox, she's more prepared to make fun of herself than anyone else. She can be a bit obscene, but who cares? So can Urb, and there's nothing wrong with him.
Stu: My Union Jack was hung up the right way round. You just dislike me so much that you chose to interpret right-track's comment as being sarcastic. You mean person. I was going to follow your Emporium of Sound journal too. Now I think I'll postpone reading that for a while.
Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra: Contrary to what people might think, he does have some very interesting tastes in music. I have MuMu to thank for this. I'll need to talk with him a bit more often.
TheBig3: I don't get how he's going to win the "Angriest member award". He seems very pleasant company and I've not seen anything that he's done that has angered me. And I've read the "Rage Against the MODchine" thread. Thought he wasn't doing anything wrong, sounded perfectly reasonable to me.
Right-track: Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him in the shoutbox last week. He's back! Maybe only for the odd post, but he's still back.
Tsunami: Oh go away and stop trying to email me cyberpuke.
duga: the awesomest person ever. Definitely my favourite member here. Every post is genius.
Rubato: I really hope he stays around. Very interesting person.
s_k: I don't find him inane or creepy in any way. I think he's just really friendly. And considering English isn't even his first language, I think people are being unnecessarily mean.