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Old 12-14-2011, 04:47 PM   #1050 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tumor View Post
This is a rather passive agressive post for someone so "friendly" and "nice".

s_k, you need to learn how to take criticism. You flip out everytime somebody says they don't like you or points out one of your flaws. Not everybody you meet in the world is going to like you and that's okay. You don't like everybody, do you? Whether you creep people out because of shit that goes along with your aspergers syndrome or because your personality has a creepy vibe to it (or because you said that you saved pictures from the member gallery to wank to or something), you should ignore it or tell them to go fuck themselves rather than letting them know that you're upset.

Next time somebody says something like that to you, consider the criticism and use it to better yourself.

P. S.: This post is a very roundabout way of telling you to blow it out of your ass.
I'd like to see how you take criticism. You're probably one of those people who can't be criticized because you're never wrong in your own mind.
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