What films are you anticipating avoiding?
Think of this as a companion thread to the other one with the similar but more positive title. Here is your opportunity to publicly mock upcoming movies that look awful.
I was inspired to create this after recently seeing previews for these two atrocious-looking films:
You know you're in trouble when a movie touts itself as being "from Hasbro, the company that brought you Transformers". How much plot can you possibly squeeze out of the board game this movie is based on? The answer, apparently, is not much since they felt the need to shoehorn aliens into a movie based on a naval-themed guessing game. Watch the trailer and weep (or laugh):
The Three Stooges
Who the hell is this movie's target demographic anyway? There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who hate the three stooges (like me) and those who love them. People who hate them are obviously not going to want to see this movie, but I don't think people who love them are going to want to see the movie either. It's like making a Marx brother movie with other actors playing the Marx brothers. What the hell is the point? The fact that this is a Farrelly brothers movie is the only thing it has going for it, but the trailer just looks awful: