Originally Posted by Mrd00d
Ain't that a damn shame. If people would step back off of None Shall Pass and even the amazing Labor Days and check out his unreleased stuff (if you got his discography online, its in there), Appleseed (absolutely amazing, yup), Music For Earthworms, Float they may understand and enjoy Aesop Rock more.
I think it sucks None Shall Pass is his popular album... it's my least favorite and everyone's stuck there and then went home. 
We got some really funny promos out of that album though lol. None Shall Pass is alright but it definitely doesn't compare to his older stuff. Labor Days is somewhat popular I guess, but yeah, not even Float has gotten the credit it deserves. The lack of popularity on Appleseed though... damn. The proucing on that album alone is enough, before you add Aesop mcing over it.