Up until about age 12 I didn't really have a real interest in music. In our old house my brother's room was pretty much right next to mine and he used to leave his stereo on ALL night. I used to hate it so much, but then I found myself singing along till like 2am lol. So through him I heard alot of old blink, pennywise, mxpx, millencolin, frenzhal rhomb. When he turned 17 he changed ALOT. He started raving, so I went through the whole hating his music then starting to like it thing. I remember him playing this one cd all the time, Bexta Mixology. I fell in love with this track called Airwave by Rank 1. So from the age of 14 I was obsessed with electronic music. I went to my first rave in April 2002. I'm trying to think of how I got into emo, I think I was messing around on mp3.com and found a song by Rufio called "she cries", a song by Finch and one by The Starting Line. I didn't look for anymore stuff, then I met this guy Cav about a year 1/2 ago and he liked The Used. So I downloaded some stuff by them off Kazaa and I clicked on the 'more info' thing, and there was a website listed:
www.emotionalpunk.com. So yeah, I looked on that site out of curiosity and found heaps of bands. That's how I got into it I guess.