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Thread: Explain how...
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Old 06-23-2004, 09:00 AM   #10 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Sydney, AUS
Posts: 13

Up until about age 12 I didn't really have a real interest in music. In our old house my brother's room was pretty much right next to mine and he used to leave his stereo on ALL night. I used to hate it so much, but then I found myself singing along till like 2am lol. So through him I heard alot of old blink, pennywise, mxpx, millencolin, frenzhal rhomb. When he turned 17 he changed ALOT. He started raving, so I went through the whole hating his music then starting to like it thing. I remember him playing this one cd all the time, Bexta Mixology. I fell in love with this track called Airwave by Rank 1. So from the age of 14 I was obsessed with electronic music. I went to my first rave in April 2002. I'm trying to think of how I got into emo, I think I was messing around on and found a song by Rufio called "she cries", a song by Finch and one by The Starting Line. I didn't look for anymore stuff, then I met this guy Cav about a year 1/2 ago and he liked The Used. So I downloaded some stuff by them off Kazaa and I clicked on the 'more info' thing, and there was a website listed: So yeah, I looked on that site out of curiosity and found heaps of bands. That's how I got into it I guess.
I want a lover I don't have to love. I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk.
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I got a hunger and I can't seem to get full. I need some meaning I can memorise.
The kind I have always seems to slip my mind. But you, but you... you write such pretty words.
But life's no story book. Love is an excuse to get hurt and to hurt <333
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