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Old 12-11-2011, 07:52 AM   #3 (permalink)
Dat's Der Bunny!
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
I've been under the impression for a while that my neighbors aren't taking great care of him. He always seems starved for attention and food, and most nights this winter he's been freezing in our porch.

So I made him a house and have started to feed him. I'm a cat burglar.
Please be careful about this - cats are rather notorious for getting as much attention from different quarters as possible, and I've known my own cats to get food from half the houses in the neighbourhood and be fed more than enough at home and still look scrawny! He might need worming, or similar, but if they've paid enough attention to notice that you are semi-trying to steal him, then they at least pay him some attention. One of my Gf's cats was literally stolen by one of her neighbours - he kept going over to theirs for food because he knew he could get some there, they overfed him, and then pretty much locked him in their house, before bringing him back around in a cat box after a few days, rather than just letting him back out of the house. The whole thing got fairly nasty when they were told to stop feeding him numerous times, and then eventually they got a letter through the door saying that they obviously didn't care for him and that they'd given him to a friend. Never saw the cat again.

So yeah, moral of the story is, as much as I love them, cats are buggers for attention :P If you get to the point that you want to feed the cat, please try and get permission from the neighbours first!

Photos of pets to follow - cannot find the camera...
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