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Old 12-09-2011, 06:31 PM   #76 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles 10 + years. Apart from A Day In The Life I don't like it much at all and I grew up with The Beatles.
2. Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys Only listened to it once. Did absolutely nothing for me.
3. Revolver - The Beatles About 5 years ago however Eleanor Rigby is a brilliant track.
4. Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan I will get stick for this for this because I don't really like Dylan at all but I really like this album and have it on CD. I think it was a couple of months back.
5. Rubber Soul - The Beatles Probably 5 years + again. I know The Beatles so well that I don't actually listen to them all that much.
6. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye A couple of months back. Apart from the meandering middle section, it's a cracking album.
7. Exile on Main Street - The Rolling Stones Never heard it. Not much of a Stones fan at all.
8. London Calling - The Clash A couple of weeks back. Love it.
9. Blonde on Blonde - Bob Dylan probably around 5 years ago. Can't remember much about it.
10. The Beatles ("The White Album") - The Beatles Once and that was probably 10 years ago. It's hard work.
11. The Sun Sessions - Elvis Presley Cannot stand Elvis Presley.
12. Kind of Blue - Miles Davis Around a year ago. Sketches Of Spain and Arghata are far better.
13. Velvet Underground and Nico - The Velvet Underground Around 18 months ago. I really have to be in the mood for it but if I am then it's a damn good listen.
14. Abbey Road - The Beatles About a year. Their best album for me. I want You is absolute class.
15. Are You Experienced? - The Jimi Hendrix Experience At least once a month probably. Absolutely love this album.
16. Blood on the Tracks - Bob DylanOnce. Again can't remember much.
17. Nevermind - Nirvana bleach is far better. Probably 7 or 8 years, it's just sat on my CD shelf gathering dust but it has some great tunes.
18. Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen Once. Bored the **** out of me.
19. Astral Weeks - Van Morrison Around 18 months ago. Have to be in the mood.
20. Thriller - Michael Jackson Never.
21. The Great Twenty-Eight - Chuck BerryNever
22. Plastic Ono Band - John LennonNever
23. Innervisions - Stevie WonderAround 5 years ago. A very patchy album. One day I like it and another it annoys me.
24. Live at the Apollo - James Brown Never but I do like James Brown.
25. Rumours - Fleetwood Mac3 years ago maybe? Does what it says on the tin and has some great songs on it for sure. You Make Loving Fun is class.
26. The Joshua Tree - U2 4 tracks are superb - Bullet The Blue Sky, In God's Country, Exit and Mother Of The Disappeared, the rest annoys the hell out of me so at least 5 years.
27. King of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. 1 - Robert Johnson Less than a year ago. When the mood takes me I will listen to this and Sun House and drench myself in classic blues.
28. Who's Next - The Who 3 years ago. Don't really like it all that much but then The Who don't do a huge amount for me anyhow.
29. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin At least 10 years, some great songs on here but just not a big Zep fan but Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You and Dazed and Confused are superb.
30. Blue - Joni Mitchell Around 5 years ago. I much prefer Hejira, it's her masterpiece in my eyes.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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