Originally Posted by Il Duce
yes, some sort of challenge to the ears would be nice
which is why i like the "unlistenable" stuff he put out in the early 70s
I have a problem getting into the list mentality. Some if not most people are so eager to figure out which one out of a bunch is better and rank them according to usually very vague criteria. I like Miles Davis fusion experimentations on albums like In a Silent Way, Bitches Brew or A Tribute to Jack Johnson. But I also greatly appreciate Kind of Blue. Instead of focusing on which is better and instead of complaining about Kind of Blue not being edgy enough, why not just try and embrace all of it?
Some days I might be in the mood for Bitches Brew. Other days, I might prefer Kind of Blue. I don't feel a need to rank them and I appreciate that he made different sounding records.