How sweet, Necromancer.
You were my first friend on this forum, and are one of only 2 on my friends list. I instantly started butting heads with a few people, but you were the only one who saw where I was coming from. Although I am somewhat surprised to see you mention me. I didn't know you liked me that much.

The feeling is mutual.
Mighty Salami- You are the other one of my 2 friends. You and Necromancer should feel honored, it's a very exclusive list

. We hit it off right when you joined the forum. You made a harmless Neil Young joke and someone was pretty rude about it. I had your back though, and that's what started our friendship. Then I came to see that we had a pretty similar taste in music, and that's always cool. I really took notice when you said Duane Allman was one of your favorite guitarists, as well as Blind Lemon Jefferson.
Il Duce- I've always thought you were a cool and reasonable guy. We always meet up at the Bob Dylan thread. I think that's how I really came to know you. I'm not sure what you think of me, but we've never really had any problems.
Chives- You've always been a cool guy. We first met on the Bob Dylan thread. You were looking for some recommendations and I gave you a few. It's always cool to meet someone who is trying to introduce himself to Dylan's music.
I think that about completes my list