I'm going to name some of my friends that I have come to know and respect here at MB.

This is only about
half of the members here I intend to spill my guts about. I'm getting a little tired and I will have to finish it later..sorry.
Right-Track: This is the first person I met here when I first became a member here at MB. RT is a Legend here at MB. And the best Moderator this site has ever had period.
Antonio: Has always been very courteous and is a friend of mine.
Aurora: She is very sweet and the kind of woman that I would like to get high with. Smoke a joint and just listen to music and talk.
BastardofYoung: He likes a lot of the music and artist that I do as well, and he really knows his rock/metal. Great Guy!
Blastingas10: I met him in the forums when he first came here and Ive liked him ever since. Hes one of my Brothers.
Bulldog: He doesn't post here as much as he used to, but he has plenty of threads & post around the forums to see what an inspiration he truly is here at MB. I love his Elvis Costello thread.
Burning Down: I haven't got to know her very well yet, but her contributions to the site itself, are very obvious.
CanwllCorfe: A very intelligent individual, I wish he would participate more in the music forums.
Conan: This gentleman has always been very respectful to me, and I will always, intend to return the same kind of courtesy to him.
djchameleon: I just cant say enough about this person, he has went out of his way to help me out more than just once. I just love dj, and hold him in the highest of regard.
duga: Even before duga became a moderator, he was always reserved and never spoke before he thought about what he was going to say. He is simply an all around good person and moderator as well.
Electrophonic Tonic: He really knows his music, and I always enjoy taking and debating with him.
Engine: This guy is someone that you just have to like, has a great sense of humor and can be very serious at the same time.
Freebase Dali: Freebase is just an all around nice, smart, and a very talented guy. If he doesn't have anything good to say, he doesn't say anything
Il Duce: I don't think he gets the credit that he truly deserves the way he has added a unique personality to MB. He is not afraid to say what he thinks and when others attack him, he just turns the other cheek and pays them no mind. A really good person, I like him a lot.
Jack Pat: This young man is a very mature individual for his age. I think that he will go a long way in life. He reminds me of my sons in a lot of ways.
Jackhammer: hammer has probably convinced me to listen to a lot of different bands more so, than any other member has since Ive been here at MB. He is just a great guy! period.
Janszoon: Always on the boards making sure everything is running smooth, and always contributing in the forums to enable conversation and debate between members. The best of the best in my book.
Unknown Soldier: This is probably my best friend here at MB. A lot of our music taste are alike. And I hold the highest of respect for him.
I like to jerk his chain and fuck with him sometimes also.
He knows its all in fun, after all..we're Brothers.