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Old 12-07-2011, 03:11 PM   #1015 (permalink)
Get in ma belly
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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Here are some more:

Erasertime.306: the favorite for this year's worst debater award. And he's damn well worked hard for it. I can truthfully report that I cannot recall agreeing with him on a single point. That takes some skill, in my books. He's managed to create a thread in which not even people with similar music tastes as him agreed with. Phenomenal performance.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra: Has returned to Music Banter after an absence of almost a month. I am pleased to report that we are trying to be nice to each other, and on my part I will try and listen to some old Heino records. I'm predicting an angry review, but I doubt we'll ever agree over that!

Urban Hatemonger: Doesn't seem to return my love. Politely asked me to walk in to a crocodile pen today. He really knows how to push all my buttons. I'm liking him more and more and more. He's the first person to realize how I like to be treated, so I'm going to take his hatred as a form of love. Love you too, Urban!

Aurora: Imagine going to a party with her, Vanilla and lucifer_sam. xD

Lucifer_sam: Kinky.
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