Music Banter - View Single Post - The Worst Punk band out there
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Old 12-05-2011, 03:22 PM   #54 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post

as for Oi....i feel like there was this brief time in the late 90s when the neo nazi skin thing was kind of dying out (at least in reno).....and the punk scene here was fucking flooded with this "traditional" skin bullshit....which i feel is not much different at one group openly liked swastikas and the other behind closed doors.....still just brute music for brute mentality....lost a few friends during this period
Everyone was just so enamored of the uniform and the archetypal image it seemed to exude that post-adolescent boys would do anything to keep their Doc Martens laced and their heads freshly shaved, and their bomber jackets on while vehemently denying the implication that they might be a racist. It went so far as the SHARP movement (SkinHeads Against Racial Predjudice) which to me was nothing more than a bunch of whiney white kids struggling to justify their own outdated image.
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