Originally Posted by Aurora
Urban isn't mean. He's soft on the inside
I also lol'd at the mighty salami's one on Urban. "the more influenced I am by his power and wit. Joined his fan club the other day. I'll probably end up being his slave eventually. Love the man." still buckled 
It's true. Look at the social groups I'm in. I asked him for permission first, of course.
Originally Posted by Aurora
Urban Hatemonger: Percepted as the ultimate baddy. Probably why he's definitely in my top3 favourite members ever haha. Seems meaner than he actually is. Haven't spoken to him in ageeesssss (whats that all about man?) but his witty comebacks and posts here still never cease to crack me up. Guy's an all in legend. Speak soon, you arsehole. 
He'll respond politely to all of the PM's I send him, in which he's prepared to be funny for my amusement only. I might go to Guernsey just to try and spot him.
Originally Posted by Aurora
Vanilla: I would love nothing more than to meet Jess. I think she's great, not to mention gorgeous! I imagine when I save up enough money to emigrate to Aus, then I will definitely be going to NZ for a night out. She's almost my Kiwi internet other half haha.
She is lovely. She called me a n00b once. :blush:. She's a really nice girl.
Originally Posted by Aurora
Unchained Ballad: Please be older, and Glasweigian. I would like nothing more  *creepy* haha.
"Be more Glaswegian" LOL!!! We come from Hamilton, actually, and Glaswegians on the whole are definitely the funniest people on the earth.
Originally Posted by Aurora
Mighty Salami: I've never had an opinion of you before, I just thought you were a n00b and would probably leave eventually but I think you actually have a smashing sense of humour and I hope you stay here for good  .
Don't worry, I will! I suppose everyone must have been a n00b once.l
Originally Posted by Aurora
Lucifer_Sam: I used to be **** scared of Sam, probably because he doesn't **** talk which I like  . He comes across to me now as alot like someone I know, I picture him as at Uni, with a perma-red cup in his hand. I'd indefinitely go to a party with Sam because he's probably one of the few Americans that I trust to know how to party  .
I can't be arsed with anymore. Monday morning blues and that.
Feel the same about Sam, he sounds like totally rad! I have only the vaguest idea about what one of his parties would be like.