Originally Posted by Odyshape
My piece of advice I could give is shape your identity based on whats makes you happy not on projections or ideas you or others have about you. If you are ever in conflict because you want to like something but your "identity" is holding you back then reevaluate what your trying to be and if there is a real purpose behind it.
I always catch myself as well as friends of mine thinking we have an established identity when in reality we are just taking ourselves far to seriously and end up doing things we don't like just to support an a rigid identity. The thing is identity is shifting every moment and there is nothing wrong with that. True security in identity comes from being able to understand how unimportant having a rigid identity can be.
As a kind of add-on to
Odyshape`s good advice, I`d like to share something that may seem obvious, but, let`s face it, sometimes the obvious has to be spelled out for us to realize it:
Back in 1910, Arnold Bennett wrote an unusual book called," How To Live On Twenty-Four Hours A Day" and somewhere buried in that book he reminds us that
"Happiness is not achieved by the pursuit of pleasure, it is achieved by making your conduct accord with your principles."
It`s an observation that has helped me out a couple of times when I`ve found myself losing direction, so I hope it works for someone else reading it here.