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Old 11-30-2011, 11:01 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Hendrix was unorthodox...

Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
Hendrix was also technically good? I think so too. I've heard a lot of people who know a lot about the technical side of music say that Hendrix was terrible, but I've also heard some knowledgable people say that he was great.

I agree, Satriani is definitely a very technical player, but I don't find his music very enjoyable. Some people just can't see anything good about a guitarist if they aren't extremely technical. I find that to be a little irritating.
Because of his lefthandedness, being self-taught and his devotion to blues masters (who were also usually self-taught), Jimi didn't always play the "right" way, but he played the right way for him. He doesn't have the same speed or precision of a classically trained player such as Randy Rhodes and others, but he had serious chops--he pushed guitar beyond the boundaries in ways few have been able to duplicate. I think the closest anyone has come is Robert Randolph with his lap steel.
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