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Thread: College essays.
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Old 11-28-2011, 09:42 PM   #9 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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Eh? I wrote plenty of essays while in college, but never had to write one to get into college My entire thing - during high school - was to coast by solely on my test grades. During my junior and senior years I would generally just ignore whatever the teacher was saying and just read a book I brought with me. Needless to say, this is what I also did during my seemingly endless stints of in-school suspension.

Somehow this panned out - despite graduating with something like the 3rd worst GPA in my class of 80 or so, the college i ended up going to sent me - in the same packet - (1) an acceptance letter, (2) notice that I received a scholarship, and (3) a letter stating that I was on academic probation already for failure to meet minimum entry requirements.
Have mercy on the poor.
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