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Old 11-27-2011, 12:02 AM   #1 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Default Give one piece of life advice you're glad to know and share it.

If my retarded title didnt make sense just do this: Write a line, paragraph, or whatever you deem necessary to get the point across.

The point: It should be something that your glad to know in general everyday life. Something that makes you a better person, or just makes life easier and less stressful. It doesn't have to be something you have made yourself, but if its someone elses words then please only post it if you feel you fully understand it and live by it.


I shall start.

Probably only 2 maybe 3 years ago I realized suddenly that all of the stuff I got wasnt making me the slightest bit happy. Not that I have tons of money or goods, but I have a huge longing for things like most people do. (think black friday) And dont get me wrong getting/buying/finding something you really want makes you happy for a little bit. Its like a relationship honeymoon period, or that new instrument you got. After some time (usually not much) it fades and your back where you started.

So the obvious message is not just dont covet material goods. because that is an impractical statement to make since their are many goods we cannot be happy or survive without. I mean try living without a toilet or glasses if you cant see. Try to see physical items as vehicles to an action or thought. The "thing" you are trying to obtain should be a vessel for an action or skill that will make you happy. Improving upon yourself instead of your financial/material situation is a wonderful thing. While wanting nice stuff isnt bad by any means, sacrificing too much time and effort getting it is, unless that stuff is going to better you spiritually, mentally, or physically.

I had a clear idea of what I wanted to say in my head but I really doubt I got the message across well here. Not only that but Im not at all free of wanting things. Many of the things I think are to better myself are really just a lust in hiding, so to speak. I dont doubt it takes many years to be free of lust/desire of irrelevant objects getting in the way of happiness.

I do hope this post wasnt so ****ty as to kill the thread before it starts because I would love to see what everyone else will write.
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Last edited by Dr_Rez; 11-27-2011 at 02:55 AM.
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