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Old 11-21-2011, 07:49 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2011
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Posts: 26

We seem to need constant stimulation to stay in the present moment.

When there is no stimulation from outside ourselves we think we have attained stasis between threats perceived and dealt with.

For some reason fear then gives way to doldrums.

Instead of appreciating serenity we instead turn within and project catastrophies into the future, based upon past experiences. This inner dialogue creates stress, which has no outlet if we do not actively process it through some kind of movement.

Stress saps strength, without any sense of satisfaction in doing something productive to "better our circumstances."

Fear turned outward is anger.

Fear turned inward is depression.

Depression saps motivation. We languish in the doldrums of inactivity, and miss the hungry years when we found meaning through successfully negotiating challenges.

We seek Rx through retail therapy (AKA G.A.S.).

That will be $25.
I'll invoice ya.
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