You guys are wasting your time. If you want the best experience in anything just stay awake for 2 days or until something important is about to come up. Since you will have to be awake put on the music and you'll see what I'm talking about. You'll be having dreams while you're awake. Any music can sound good at that point. You'll start seeing ice princesses and the music will come alive straight in your face.
I no longer use drugs, smoke or drink alcohol. The reason is because doing drugs, smoking and drinking alcohol is similar to suicide from my perspective. It's a cowards way out.
I felt too ashamed to do any of those things so I grew myself some balls and stopped.
The one thing I strive to be in life is anti-coward. Anything associated with that word disgusts me.
Before I go on, let me warn you that I talk dirty, and that I will say things you will neither enjoy nor agree with. You shouldn't feel threatened, though, because I am a mere buffoon, and you are all philosophers.