Originally Posted by GeddyBass2112
Did a search but nothing came up that was useful/relevant/recent.
I'm involved in a debating society and one of the questions we were asked is this, in regard to drugs legalization: would you, assuming you've never taken drugs before, be tempted to use drugs should they be all legalized?
The argument from many people in my group was that legalization would lead to little or no increase in drugs users, arguing that those who really do wish to use whatever substance are not deterred by legality.
Any opinions appreciated!
Knowing now that I was 'tempted' to take about every illegal drug ever produced, that's tough.
It would be cheating, I know the good ones from the bad ones. And, I know me, so, I know I would be not just tempted, I would succumb to my own desires.
But, also knowing what I know now, I wouldn't breath air, or drink water.
I would morph into some salt-sucking phylum and feast on the man who created this body

That's a good buzz.