Ive been here for a few years now, just like you have, and I feel a little insulted by your post if anything. But don't misunderstand, that's your opinion and I have nothing personal against you or your opinion.
If Ive learned anything through the years as a member here at MB, or any music forum for that matter. Everything has basically already been discussed many times over and over! It does get boring at times for any music enthusiast who has been around for any lengthy period of time.
But I consider that a part of the learning process for any individual (music enthusiast). If this is not "common knowledge", then you have not been very active in these forums or any other music forum for that matter. And this is not Rocket Science.
Do you have any ideal how many times that active users have repeated themselves through the years with almost every subject there is concerning music, bands, artist, genres, styles, etc.
Members will always be leaving and replaced by new ones, that's just the way it is.
Some people are never satisfied and always have the habit of speaking before they think, in my opinion.
See you in the forums anticipation. (Peace)!