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Old 11-14-2011, 11:22 PM   #4 (permalink)
blankety blank
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Posts: 310

Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
i think Chaos Theory has more or less proved that point
Chaos is no theory. No. It's not theory. Research the Word Chaos, and then tell me this "World" is not Chaos. And, if you use the suffix "logy", you can prove anything you think.

I love this. Probably my favourite
theory. It is illogical to assume that history will repeat itself based on history repeating itself before. If I say that the earth will suddenly fall out of orbit tomorrow, is it any less logical than saying it will stay in orbit?
Philo - soph -y has to be proven with Theo -soph - y

Here's your clues.

phil(o) + Soph + ia So, A loving, dear fried Phil(o), can lead to Wisdom, through 'the study of anything "Phil"

a combining form appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “loving” (philology); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (philoprogenitive).

The(o) + Soph + ia - No need to use any being named god. In the context of definition, use "mind, or principle invoked through the voice of the minds of man"

Theosophy is only a theory, because, of the meaning of ology.

We can prove and reason our time, if we choose to reason and rhyme.

It cannot prove through rhyme and reason, but, through rhyme we can reason our season.

We can only reason our destiny, because future is ancient history.
And love sent up the osophy, because, of the Word called prophecy.

We can prove the evidence and Truth, because 'wormwood' lies in the 'vermouth'.

So, is that 'philosophy'? Is it 'theosophy'.

The bottom line.

Love sent us the number 'six', to prove man is a dick in Styx.

"and the whole earth wondered after wisdom that came too late"

"Prophecy caused all the wonder, because 666 is its number"

And we do it through music and lyrics, and, weed out all the True heretics"

And, the rhymes that exist in the Word World? Hurled, twirled, swirled, whirled.

And, furled, and curled.

And the Name Jesus was sent in disgust, because religion must Truly be 'discussed'.

Now, research the 'root' meaning of discuss, because we are not a we, we are us.

So, there is no reason and rhyme, because, we don't see the reason in rhyme.

And, future is indeed ancient history, if you'd open you eyes to see mystery.

For, you cannot see Truth in the logical, until you find it and see as the mystical

And those who see in rhyme, can rhyme anywhere, anytime.

And finally,

Man sees forward as back, the only discuss is attack.

And you'll see this Truth as a lie, so, I'm certain to get no reply.

People who see the most, would never once pray to a ghost.

And, I don't believe in ghosts. Never have. But, I worked my a*s off for one.


If you don't want to reply. Just throw out your favorite song. I'll show you how it can run you to everything you want to learn. And, it has nothing to do with religion. The scriptures only provide the evidence of what we must learn, through what we think we see.

Which is why I chose a music site. Not a religious forum. WWW? It can run in circles with one Word, or, one simple website can merge, delete, destroy, and create one thread, in one song, a whole New Order for as long as we are stuck here motionless. Stuck in a time warp.

Now, tell how Chaos is a theory? We cannot change history, or reality. Is does exist. We cannot predict any future, we are the future. We can recreate our own new destiny. We will never cease to exist, until we choose to cease to exist.

And, this a music and prose, site, so any replies, please present it in rhythmic structure. Then, we can 'discuss' logic and philosophy. And, I am not all that intelligent. I believe I am basically retarded. And, that is not 'politically incorrect'. Politics is politically incorrect. And, it must be 'discussed' as well.

So, why does discussed rhyme with disgust?

There is the question we can converse.

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