Music Banter - View Single Post - Buckethead vs. Jimi Hendrix
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Old 11-14-2011, 12:29 AM   #77 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DoctorSoft View Post
I fully admit that there are A LOT of guitarists more emotional than Hendrix, it's not like he's one of my favorites or anything. I just still believe that his playing can easily be described as emotional.
It does get annoying though when people don't understand that just because an artist doesn't jive around that he's not showing emotion. You never see Opera singers grabbing their crotch and humping the floor but that doesn't mean they're not showing emotion.

Buckethead doesn't jump around or pick his guitar like he's trying to light a match but if you listen to his music there's undoubtedly buckets (no pun intended) full of emotion.
Before I go on, let me warn you that I talk dirty, and that I will say things you will neither enjoy nor agree with. You shouldn't feel threatened, though, because I am a mere buffoon, and you are all philosophers.
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