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Thread: Crosswalking
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Old 11-06-2011, 04:58 AM   #79 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Join Date: Feb 2008
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Your writing here has impressed me before, and so your open and honest approach to it is no surprise to me. However I have rarely seen such a touching post in my time here. Thank you for sharing that with us.

You wrote about a number of things I was not aware of. There is no reason I should be aware of them, of course, but I am beginning to realise now more than ever that you can indeed be a rather reserved or private person. At least thats how it seems. If that is the case, then I appreciate what you have shared even more.

There are a number of things you wrote about that I would comment on but don't think this is the place in which to do so. However, in regards to your post as moderator here, I remember that I was championing that decision at the time. I wasn't the only one, but you were my top pick. I frankly was rather disgusted at the objections of a few members here, some rather long-standing ones, who made their opinions known publicly around the boards. After feeling very contented by knowing my opinion was shared or backed up by the majority of staff, I actually was rather excited to break the news and make your welcome thread, and some of the response was very disappointing.

It is of course worth noting that the objections were not from the majority, but rather the minority. And also I feel that although you hit the ground running with it (which is not a bad thing, per say) you also seem to have taken the time to hold off a little more and absorb the opinions of others in situations where a decision needs to be made. I think that our decision has been justified.

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