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Thread: The Animals
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Old 10-29-2011, 04:20 AM   #7 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Being from the North East of England and calling myself a music fan, it is unofficially the law that I must at least know of Brian Johnson's pre-AC/DC days in Geordie (and trust me, I have been quizzed, especially when I used to go out in Newcastle wearing an AC/DC jacket), Dire Straits (even though none of them were born around here, this is where the band were formed and they are loved here), and The Animals.

Given The Animals' members were from all over the North East and not just Newcastle, Alan Price being from my little town, about 2 minutes from here, then it is considered especially important to know their stuff.

I haven't listened to the band for years. It may be time to dig out their self titled and Animalism!

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