Originally Posted by The Batlord
If it worked, I'd totally go for anarcho-communism. People evolved to live in small family groups anyway. Living in a city of millions of people where you have to rely on a supermarket to feed yourself? That's not natural. Seriously, for any of you libertarian types who think that you're "self-reliant", imagine what would happen if all the supermarkets and convenience stores all closed down and stopped selling food. How many millions would starve just because of the loss of Farmfresh?
Do you live in a rural location?
Originally Posted by Phantom Limb
I would be willing to be part of a communist system only if we did it right and it could be guaranteed that it wouldn't get super corrupt and ****ed up down the road. I've always liked the idea of communism, but the problem is true communism has never been more than an idea. Who's to say that we won't twist communism into some sort of dictatorship as well?
You could be right though. As far as I know communism has never been adopted by a nation as educated or as wealthy as the US. I'm willing to give it a try (though the entire right will undoubtedly close their ears as soon as they hear the dirty word).
Every communist system has been corrupt and always bred dictators, but if a state that was already educated, wealthy and transparent adopted it then it could feasibly work.