Originally Posted by lucifer_sam
I don't think the economic downturn has hit the US any harder than Europe. We just don't have as large a safety net for the working class as western Europe does.
I should say, I didn't really want to discuss whether (or where) communism works, but whether communism works for you. As in, how many of you would be willing to forgo your material luxuries to ensure that everyone got a piece of the pie?
Well I spent some time in the Soviet Union when I was younger and studied there for a few months as part of my uni programme and despite being very interested with the country and the society, the word GRIM is what I would`ve described the lifestyle there as.
In answer to your question, well despite believing that man will never be equal, I`d still give up some of my luxuries to help my fellow human being, so the answer is yes. Over the last couple of years in the UK, we`ve had the logo of "The Big Society" where each individual is being prompted to take on a bigger role in society and thus taking the burden away from the government.