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Old 10-17-2011, 03:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
I used industrialized in the past tense as in the country is already industrialized, sure you`re a consumer service economy like most of the western nations now, but the point is that despite the recent economic downturn which has hit the USA hard, the country still serves as a great example for the Manifesto, you have great disparities between rich and poor and a society that is highly educated and politically and socially aware, just the attributes needed for a communist society to succeed. Whether an economist would agree with me is another matter though.
I don't think the economic downturn has hit the US any harder than Europe. We just don't have as large a safety net for the working class as western Europe does.

I should say, I didn't really want to discuss whether (or where) communism works, but whether communism works for you. As in, how many of you would be willing to forgo your material luxuries to ensure that everyone got a piece of the pie?
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