Originally Posted by duga
I think the only way anyone could appreciate what Sgt. Pepper's did for music is to have been around when it was released. Can you find albums with stronger/more enjoyable songs? Sure. That's not the point. What they did in the studio and how bands recorded and approached songs changed completely after that album. Yes, Pet Sounds was released as a response to Revolver but then the Beatles took it a step further on SP. Brian Wilson entered a heavy depression after he heard it. Even though he tried to top the song writing on Revolver (I don't really think he succeeded), the Beatles took things to the next level. Just remember that it may sound tired now, but at the time it was some of the most original pop music around.
I agree with everything you said with the exception of Sgt sounding tired. I realize you're not saying that you personally think it sounds dated. I don't see how any fan of music can hear Sgt and not realize its value. Not only does it have great songs (Lucy, Mr. Kite, Good Morning, A Day In The Life), but as you say, it also had a big impact on recording techniques.