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Old 10-07-2011, 10:51 AM   #349 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Random Track of the Day
Friday, October 7 2011
Music from one of the weirdest of the weird, this is a track taken from an album which was in fact the soundtrack to a movie about human biology, called “The Body”. It's composed by Ron Geesin and Pink Floyd's Roger Waters, and it's just, well, weird! Each part or function of the body is set to music, so you can expect some pretty rude sounds in there! This is from near the end of the album, and it concerns the throat.

Mrs. Throat goes walking --- Roger Waters and Ron Geesin --- from "Music from The Body" on EMI

The best I can describe this short piece as is a jazzy/funky tune with mostly bass, and a sort of scat-singing which I expect is the eponymous wife of Mister Throat. Hey, it's weird, it's random, it's Friday --- whaddya want from me?
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