Well, I was brought up by my cousins and their friends to be the biggest dj and clubber the world had ever seen. And it looked like it was probably going to happen because I had been djing from the age of like...8 till 13 and was getting really good. And then they made the mistake of shipping me off to camp where one of the councillors played U2's "Sunday Bloody Bunday" everymorning to wake us up in the cabin, I fell in love with the song, and started listening to alot of softer-rock, I still convinced by then that punk rock and anything with screaming in it was the worst music ever.
So around last summer my musical diet was srictly bands like Our Lady Peace, Sloan, U2, and i loved coldplay, i bought their cd's i downloaded all their videos, and they were just awesome, then i heard "politik" by them and i was like this song is so much louder (even though in retrospect it was still a quiet song) than their others. thats when i started to think it was ok to listen to heavier rock music like the white stripes, the vines, the hives, and i started listening to kind of that playful-bouncing souls punk rock. from their i found a local band and on their website they had a link to band called story of the year, they were ok, but not great. then when i was looking for bands related to them i found a screamo band called emery. my first screaming song. I loved it, and of course i hid my fascination with this satanic music under piles of club records, but i loved it. then i found out that emery was a CHRISTIAN screamo,band which made it ok for me to like them.
then i kind of slowly gave up on dance music, although, i still listen to lots of my old favs. its the music of my childhood. but now i listen to mostly hardcore, screamo, heavy emo, emocore, punk, classic rock, eighties metal, and drum and bass bands.
i have liked a few rap artists but for the most part i stay away from that junk.
All that came from U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday, thats probably the reason that I'm typing to you guys right now!
Conformity n.(kœn-fôr'mí-tè)- 1. the enemy of friendship.