Originally Posted by tore
Personally, I don't feel it matters much wether results are mixed or not when it comes to neonatal circumcision.
If just for fun you imagine that circumcision greatly increases sexual function for 50% but greatly decreases sexual function for the other 50%, proving with statistical significance that the procedure is either good or bad for sexual function gets harder. But even if that was the situation, looking at the numbers should then tell you that a negative outcome is a significant possibility and that alone should make you as a parent decide to not force circumcision on your children, but wait until they can decide for themselves. The fact that there are studies that show negative consequences from circumcision should be enough (imo) to convince parents to not force the procedure on their kids.
Add to that that the benefits to circumcision are very small and that complications can occur during the procedure and it should be an appearant no-no. If you want to protect your kid against STDs, teach him how to use a condom. It's much better prevention than circumcision will ever be.
edit :
If it ain't broke, don't fix it 
Just clearing up the confusion about sensitivity brah, since it seems to be mentioned a lot in this thread