Originally Posted by jackhammer
Although it is not strictly a 'Banksy' film per se as he didn't shoot any of it, it still emphasises a brilliant mastery of several mediums by Banksy.
I have rarely come across an artist that consistently delivers in whatever medium he chooses to explore whether it is murals, sculpture, paint or indeed, media manipulation.
I admire his anonymity even more after this doc. He could have made this his film and come out and proclaim himself as the main influence for MBW and take the plaudits but instead he still obscures his face and voice and remains both witty and understated as well as ever illusive.
You still can't help warming to Thierry Guetta though!
You know, there's a theory that's been put forth that it really
is a Banksy film in the strict sense and that Thierry Guetta isn't even a real person, just a character.