Originally Posted by MRNOMADIC
I can't stand Dark Knight.
I'm a fan of Christopher Nolan but the Dark Knight is a big long mess. Plot line after plot line- You could make about 10 different films out of the Dark knight and they'd all be average. The part in Hong Kong was completely unnecessary and added about 30mins to the films running time!
I'd like to say, I'm glad somebody has the balls to say this. I didn't necessarily dislike the Dark Knight but it's nothing more than a better thank average action movie. The plot also seemed to be nothing more than the Joker seemingly randomly committing terrorists acts, and Batman grunting about it until he catches up with the Joker and accidentally kills him.
Plus, the ship with prisoners, and ship with people was amazingly unrealistic, and retarded.
I did like two face, though. Wish he wouldn't have died 5 minutes in after converting.
The film had some political context but it was shallow in comparison to say District 9, and albeit the action was good, I think 90% of it's quality is in it's hype.
Good movie, not excellent.